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My Services

These assessments allow us to understand what is going well in kid's lives and where they are struggling. This helps open the doors to services and supports and points toward what interventions might help the most. 

Dr. Kai has specialized training in doing assessments for children under 5 years old and in evaluating autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in kids of all ages.

Individual therapy for kids is based in three main foundations: SMART (sensorimotor arousal regulation training), narrative therapy, and solution-focused therapy. This lets us pay attention to kids' needs to manage their feelings and emotions; stories they tell about themselves, the past, and the future; and the behaviors that keep kids stuck or can help them get unstuck. 

Family-oriented therapy includes a positive approach to help families identify their values and strengths and to build on them, viewing parents as the experts on their own children and families. It includes actionable strategies families can use right away to improve their lives.


Parenting is hard. I offer the support parents need to be able to feel the best they can for themselves and in their role as parents.

Workshops are offered in a variety of formats and cover topics such as enhancing child resilience, developing strong communication with children, and building routines that enhance child well-being. In these workshops, parents are given the opportunity to build skills to build positive relationships with their children and to manage their own parenting stress.

Over the past two decades, Positive Psychology has emerged and grown, gathering optimistic steam as a bold new approach to studying (and treating) the variances of the human condition, representing a shift from investigating human deficits to exploring what makes people thrive. I have developed a variety of workshops that teach people how to leverage this science of well-being to enhance their lives and the lives of those around them. Students leave these workshops with tools to become healthier, more resilient human beings.

I do two types of consulting - the first is working with other therapists, providing perspectives on somatic/body-based approaches and working with kids and teens who are transgender or gender non-conforming.


Second, I work with directly with families, with schools, and with organizations that are working to be more inclusive in their practices. My goal with my consulting is to provide strategies and equipment that are (or can be) personalized to best support each individual family (for example: Minnesota Children’s Museum Accessibility and Inclusion). 

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